As quoted by Thomas Edison:
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Our goal is to provide the highest quality care possible to people of all ages. We strive to not only correct the cause of the problems, but to educate and enlighten you as to what you must do to prevent future injuries. We use natural, drug-free methods to maintain your optimal health, in a relaxing environment to support maximum healing.
Dr. Cindy Olson graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She earned her doctorate of Chiropractic from the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in Whittier in 1987. She continued her education and received a post graduate degree of Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician in 1988. She graduated from the International Institute of Nutrition in 2018 and received her National Board Certification in Health Coaching in 2020. Over the years, Dr. Olson has diversified her practice to include maternity care and is proficient in the Webster technique and treats kids of all ages from birth to adults.
Dr. Olson has served the community of Huntington Beach for 30 years and has an intense passion to make a difference in the lives of her patients. She uses a variety of research based techniques and therapies to create individualized programs that address the patient’s specific issues and concerns. She uses a functional medicine approach in her practice ( finding the root cause of the problem ) and offers individualized health coaching programs as part of her treatment options. She provides a nurturing, caring environment for all of her patients while restoring the body’s ability to function at its optimal level.
Dr. Olson’s philosophy is based on the wisdom and science that acknowledges that health is multi-dimensional and that the body has an instinctive inclination to be healthy. She seeks to treat the cause of the problem, rather than symptoms alone. She encourages and supports her patients to take an active role in their own health care by incorporating exercise, good nutrition, adopting healthier habits and reducing the stress in their lives. She offers personalized health coaching to help facilitate these health care goals.